Com-Log: Access Granted

Data Report: Earth EV34-C3

Subject: EV-A4 - M

Subject: EV-A6 - F

Observation Time: 345.56 cycles


Homo-Sapiens subject to un-evolved physiological responses at times of stress, emotional response and pain. 

Note - Subjects A4 and A6 extracted separately. No known interaction between subjects believed. 


Subjects A4 and A6, exhibited physiological symptoms.

Increased Cardiac Activity - 21% increase in BPM.

Thermal fluctuations - thermal heat increase of 2.6% (possible sign of distress)

Pupil Dilation - size increase 2.3mm - 2.8mm (Suggests heightened sensual awareness)


A6 maintained eye contact for 3.45 seconds (earth time[ET]) when dilated pupils occurred. Exchange - 

A4 “We’ll be ok” 

A6 “Don’t lie to me” 

Subjects separated. Further measurements needed. 

EV34-C3: Note - A4’s heart rate indicated no sign of deception. Probe further? 

Further Data Required

[Request granted] - A4 probe authorized

A6 resisted - (sedative administered)

A4 cooperation achieved - DNA analysis started.

EV34-C3: Note -  Anomaly: Homo-sapiens telekinesis - mid range abilities detected.

Monitored Exchange: 

A6 - Neural Activity Spiked - Internal Interference Detected

A4 “We can’t. Not yet.”

A6 - Neural Activity Escalation - Sedative Ineffective

A4 “Don’t resist.”

EV34-C3: Note - A6… What is she doing?

Log: Emergency Protocols Engaged - Subject A6 - Monitoring Required

Com-Log: Error - Subject Status Unavailable

EV34-C3: Note - We’re losing visibility.

Log: Request - A6 - Activity Inquiry Request

Com-Log: Error - Subject Data Not Found

Alert! - Deviation detected

DNA Analysis

Homo-sapiens DNA deviation expectation 2-6% 

A4 deviation: 79%

DNA match - Found

Identity Classification - Hostile

Data Log: Request

Log: Permission to continue - Requested

Com-Log: Denied

Log: Permission to continue - Requested

Com-Log: Denied - Shut down initiated

EV34-C3: Note:

Authority override detected

Experiment termination initiated

- Error - Termination Failed




- Error - System Compromised -

(Unknown Internal Access)



System Failure - ERROR CODE: TR34C-49

Reboot Initiated -




Reboot Successful - 

Initiating Safety Protocols: 

A4: Offline

A6: Offline

Data Log: Inquiry

Log: A4 data - requested

Com-Log: Approved-


Species - Known

Intelligence - High

Abilities - Known

Life Support - *Data Corrupted* *System Offline*

Log: A6 data - Purge

Com-Log: Authentication Requested

Log: (5T-6U-CP72-!JR5) 

Error: Unauthorized Key

Error: Unauthorized Key

Error: Unauthorized Key

Com-Log: Processing… Processing… Processing…

Error: System Override Detected

Com-Log: Access Granted - 

 Monitored Exchange: 

A6: Neural Activity Spiked

A4: …. Offline

A6: Neural Activity Spiked - 

A4: …. Anomaly Detected ….

EV34-C3: Note

File Corrupted - 

“A6 found…”

Data Fragmentation -

“Abort… Abort…” 


Unknown Entity Detected….




Monitoring - Offline